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GSA Schedule Modification/Maintenance

On Target Group provides all the necessary steps to successfully assist you in MODIFYING YOUR GSA Schedule.

GSA Schedule Modification

Prepare all related documents involved in any type of MOD required by the GSA including Novation Agreements, Price Increases, EPAs (Economic Price Adjustments), New Item or SIN (Speciality Item Number) Additions, and Product Deletions. Some of those services required include:

  • Perform all the Necessary competitive pricing justifications for your schedule MOD and providing the GSA with the paperwork.
  • Creation and submission of:
  • - e-Modification Document,
  • - Commercial Price Lists,
  • - CSP1,
  • - GSA Pricing Document Worksheet,
  • - e-MOD cover letter and all pricing justification.
  • Upload your MOD via e-Mod using our digital signature.
  • Create and Upload any GSA Advantage file related to your MOD.

GSA Schedules: Schedule Maintenance

The major activities of maintaining a GSA Schedule Contract are compliance and modifications. On Target Group will work with your company's internal GSA Point of Contact to:

  • Prepare and negotiate all contract modifications, including:
  • Adding or deleting products
  • Adding or deleting authorized ordering and maintenance points
  • Adding or deleting authorized representatives
  • Price reductions (temporary or permanent)
  • Economic Price Adjustments (EPA)
  • Administrative changes
  • Regulatory changes
  • Extensions to effective period of Contract
  • Submit to and negotiate with GSA any proposed product, organizational or policy changes that may affect compliance or disclosure requirements
  • Review the current commercial practice guidelines used by your corporate personnel to verify contract compliance
  • Consult with your company on Schedule contract use and compliance

After GSA approves a contract modification, we will work together with your company to:

  • Prepare updated documentation that can be included in your company's Contract
  • Administration File System
  • Print the modified GSA Schedule Price List and provide an electronic version to your company for distribution
  • Prepare and submit files to GSA Advantage! and provide electronic copies of those files to your company

Other Government Contracting Issues:
  • Perform Registration on SAM and other Government and Prime Contractor Data Bases.
  • Assist in GSA Site Assistance Visits and other Government Visits.
  • Help with TAA (Trade Agreement Act) Compliance
  • Assist in preparation of Novation Agreements, Name Changes and other contractual obligations.
  • Interpret FAR and DFAR regulations related to your government contracts.

Representation at GSA Industry Events
  • Represent clients' interests and provide visibility at certain GSA Industry events
  • Provide updates to clients on relevant industry issues

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